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Quake 3 Insert Cd Patch

Quake 3 Insert Cd PatchInsertInsert

Quake 3 Insert Cd Patch For Mac

Since I can't find any 'Steam Help' forum, I'll use this.For some reason, when playing Quake 3 online, I'll randomly get a 'PLEASE INSERT CD KEY' box when playing.Not quite sure how I would put one in, considering I bought it VIA Steam. Did I just waste my money buying a game I wanted to play online? Or perhaps a glitch with this.which I'm amazed they didn't fix.Another thing, my ping seems to range from 150 - 250.even when the ping on the server selection states 45. I'm sure there's a reason I have that problem, since everybody else has a low ping.I don't have anything downloading, so I just don't know.